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Device Class

This class represents a physical ScripTouch device.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ProScript
Assembly:  proscript-csharp (in proscript-csharp.dll) Version: (
public sealed class Device

The Device type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsicReset
This method performs either a hard or soft reset of the ASIC.
Public methodCalibrate
This method puts the device into calibration mode.
Public methodCancelCalibrate
This method causes a calibration in progress to be canceled.
Public methodClearLastError
This method clears the last error that was set.
Public methodClearScreen
This method clears the device's screen.
Public methodClose
This method attempts to close the device with the operating system.
Public methodDeleteDeviceRegion
This method deletes a region from the device
Public methodDeleteRegion Obsolete.
This method deletes a region from the device
Public methodDeleteResource
This method deletes a resource from the device
Public methodDeleteScreen
This method deletes a screen from the device
Public methodDrawText
This method draws text on the screen (if equipped).
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetActiveScreen
This method attempts to get the active screen's index.
Public methodGetAsicRegister
This method attempts to get the asic register values from the device.
Public methodGetCalibrationData
This method attempts to get the calibration data from the device.
Public methodGetCalibrationState
This method attempts to get the calibration state from the device.
Public methodGetCapabilities
Gets the capabilities of this device.
Public methodGetConfiguration
This method attempts to get the configuration from a ScripTouch mouse device. This is not supported on all ScripTouch devices.
Public methodGetContactCountMaximum
This method attempts to get the maximum number of contacts a ScripTouch multi-touch device supports. This is not supported on all ScripTouch devices.
Public methodGetCoordinateRange
Gets the logical coordinate range for this device.
Public methodGetDefaultRegions Obsolete.
This method attempts to get the default regions stored in a device that will be restored on a power cycle or reset.
Public methodGetDeviceRegion
This method attempts to retrieve a region based off the region index.
Public methodGetDeviceStatus
This method attempts to get the device's status
Public methodGetDisplayInfo
Gets the static display information from the device.
Public methodGetDisplaySettings
Gets the dynamic display settings from the device. Not supported on devices without displays.
Public methodGetErrorCorrectionTable
This method attempts to get the error correction table from the device.
Public methodGetFrequencyAmplitude
This method attempts to get the frequency amplitude from the device.
Public methodGetGeneralParameters
This method attempts to get the general operating parameters from the device.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetManufacturer
Gets the manufacturer of the device.
Public methodGetModel
Gets the model of the device
Public methodGetOperatingModes
This method attempts to get the supported operating modes from the device.
Public methodGetOutputConfiguration
This method attempts to get the output configuration from the device.
Public methodGetPath
Gets the path of the device. Different per operating system. May change if the device is unplugged and plugged back in.
Public methodGetPenParameters
This method attempts to get the pen parameters from the device.
Public methodGetPeripheralConfiguration
This method attempts to get the peripheral configuration from the device.
Public methodGetPixels
This method gets pixels starting at x,y and continuing to the end of the raster and then to the next rasters until either n pixels has been reached or the end of the image is reached.
Public methodGetPowerState
This method attempts to get the power state from the device.
Public methodGetProductId
Gets the product id associated with this device.
Public methodGetRegionIndex
This method attempts to get the region index.
Public methodGetRegions Obsolete.
Gets the currently configured regions stored in the device.
Public methodGetResource
This method gets the information of a resource on the device based off the resource index.
Public methodGetResourceAvailability
This method attempts to get the available space left on the device for resources.
Public methodGetResourceIndex
This method returns the index of a resource on the signature pad based off the resource index.
Public methodGetResourceInfo
This method attempts to get resource info from the device based off the index.
Public methodGetScreen
This method attempts to get a screen based on the screen index.
Public methodGetScreenIndex
This method attempts to get the screen index.
Public methodGetScreenRegionInfo
This method attempts to get the device capabilities when it comes to regions and screens.
Public methodGetSerialNumber
This method attempts to get the serial number from the device. This may not be supported on all devices, it may also return empty on some devices.
Public methodGetTextHeight
Gets the height of a string using the built-in font
Public methodGetTextWidth
Gets the width of a string using the built-in font
Public methodGetTouchParameters
This method attempts to get the touch parameters from the device.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUuid
This method retrieves the universally unique identifier for this device from the device. This requires that the device be open.
Public methodGetVendorId
gets the vendor id associated with this device
Public methodGetVersionInfo
Gets the version information about the firmware for this device.
Public methodIsButtonDown
Gets whether or not a button is currently being pressed.
Public methodIsOpen
Gets whether or not this device is currently open.
Public methodModifyScreen
This method edits a screen using screen modify.
Public methodOpen
This method attempts to open the device with the operating system.
Public methodRead
This method attempts to read from the device. The method will block until data is read or it is interrupted. Read data will be passed into the callbacks registered with registerInputListener().
Public methodRegisterInputListener
This method registers an input listener for this device that will be notified of any new input.
Public methodRestoreDefaultRegions
This method restores the regions to the defaults in flash, not necessarily the factory defaults.
Public methodSaveRegions Obsolete.
This method will either discard region edits or save region edits persistently.
Public methodSaveScreensRegions
This method will either discard screen and region edits or save screen and region edits persistently.
Public methodSetActiveScreen
This method sets the active screen number.
Public methodSetAsicRegister
This method sets an ASIC register.
Public methodSetCalibrationData
This method sets the calibration data back to the device.
Public methodSetDeviceConfiguration
This method sets the ScripTouch mouse configuration if supported.
Public methodSetDeviceRegion
This method writes a region back to the device. This is used for firmware versions 4.0 and above.
Public methodSetDisplaySettings
This method sets the dynamic display settings if supported.
Public methodSetEasyscriptMode
Attempts to put the device in easyscript mode.
Public methodSetErrorCorrectionTable
This method sets the error correction table in the device.
Public methodSetFrequencyAmplitude
This method sets the frequency and amplitude of the ASIC.
Public methodSetGeneralParameters
This method sets the general parameters of the device.
Public methodSetLegacyFirmwareMode
This method sets the c library into legacy firmware mode (or not)
Public methodSetOutputConfiguration
This method sets the output configuration in the device.
Public methodSetPenParameters
This method sets the pen parameters in the device.
Public methodSetPeripheralConfiguration
This method sets the peripheral configuration in the device.
Public methodSetPowerState
This method sets the power state of the device.
Public methodSetPrimaryRegion Obsolete.
This method sets the primary region of the device.
Public methodSetProscriptMode
Attempts to put the device in proscript mode.
Public methodSetRegion Obsolete.
This method writes a region back to the device.
Public methodSetRegionIndex
This method sets the region index.
Public methodSetResource
This method sets the resource data onto the device
Public methodSetResourceIndex
This method sets the screen index for use with scriptel_get_resource and scriptel_get_resource_info. This is used for firmware versions 4.0 and above.
Public methodSetRunMode
This method sets the device's current run mode.
Public methodSetScreen
This method sets a screen on the device.
Public methodSetScreenIndex
This method sets the screen index.
Public methodSetSerialNumber
This method sets the device's serial number if supported.
Public methodSetStartupMode
This method sets the startup mode of the device.
Public methodSetTouchParameters
This method sets the touch parameters in the device.
Public methodSimulatePenInput
This method simulates putting or moving the pen, or picking the pen up. This is used for testing.
Public methodToString
Converts this object into a human readable string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodUnregisterInputListener
This method unregisters an input listener from this device.
Public methodUpdateFirmwareFromFw(Stream)
This method attempts to update firmware on the device from a Scriptel firmware stream. All new firmware is provided in this format which provides a certain amount of protection against using the wrong firmware.
Public methodUpdateFirmwareFromFw(Stream, IFirmwareListener)
This method attempts to update firmware on the device from a Scriptel firmware stream. All new firmware is provided in this format which provides a certain amount of protection against using the wrong firmware.
Public methodUpdateFirmwareFromMot(Stream)
This method attempts to update firmware on the device from a Motorola SRECord stream. Legacy firmware is provided as MOT's. This should absolutely be avoided for new development as the MOT format has no protections in place to avoid writing the wrong firmware to a device which would render your device inoperable. Use this with extreme caution.
Public methodUpdateFirmwareFromMot(Stream, IFirmwareListener)
This method attempts to update firmware on the device from a Motorola SRECord file. Legacy firmware is provided as MOT's. This should absolutely be avoided for new development as the MOT format has no protections in place to avoid writing the wrong firmware to a device which would render your device inoperable. Use this with extreme caution.
Public methodUpdateRegion Obsolete.
This method updates specific region information.
Public methodWriteDisplayChunk
This method writes a raw raster to the display of the device.
Public methodWriteImage(UInt16, UInt16, Image)
This function allows you to draw a buffered image on to the screen of the device (if supported). The image must fit within the device's display boundaries. Images will be automatically converted to the displays color depth.
Public methodWriteImage(UInt16, UInt16, Image, Int32)
This function allows you to draw a buffered image on to the screen of the device (if supported). The image must fit within the device's display boundaries. Images will be automatically converted to the displays color depth.
Public fieldStatic memberPowerStateNormal
Constant for the normal power state.
Public fieldStatic memberPowerStatePowerDown
Constant for the power down power state.
Public fieldStatic memberPowerStateStandby
Constant for the standby power state.
Public fieldStatic memberRunModeAutoTouch
Constant for the auto touch run mode (not supported by all devices).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModeCommand
Constant for the command run mode.
Public fieldStatic memberRunModePen
Constant for the pen run mode.
Public fieldStatic memberRunModePenContinuous
Constant for the pen continuous run mode (reserved for later use).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModePenSingle
Constant for the pen single run mode (reserved for later use).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModePenStream
Constant for the pen stream run mode (reserved for later use).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModeTouch
Constant for the touch run mode (not supported by all devices).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModeTouchSingle
Constant for the touch single run mode (reserved for later use).
Public fieldStatic memberRunModeTouchStream
Constant for the touch stream run mode (reserved for later use).
Public fieldStatic memberTextAlignCenter
Constant for aligning text anchors to the center of the text body.
Public fieldStatic memberTextAlignLeft
Constant for aligning text anchors to the left of the text body.
Public fieldStatic memberTextAlignRight
Constant for aligning text anchors to the right of the text body.
See Also